Yes, the leaves fall a little bit even in Dallas. It's been really cool this week--it was literally summer here last week and suddenly it was "cold" fall (cold for Texas:)) A good time for being outside with the pumpkins. We've been inside a lot lately because poor Abigail had her very first ear infection, a double one to boot, and is still finishing her second round of antibiotics. So we are so glad she's feeling better now.
This is her very own little pumpkin that has a couple of bumps on it that she promptly called boo-boos. She doesn't miss a thing!
We've had a fun time before getting sick---my whole family came from Kansas City and stayed with us. We had fun as usual--the guys went to the TX vs. OU game while the girls did a little shopping and lots of talking! We also went to Belton, TX to see our good friend Libby cheer at the football game. Abigail got to go on the track with all of the girls and got a pom-pom which she loved. Her cousin Kole really wanted one too, and called it a "pom-flag", but his Daddy said no way!