Thursday, May 31, 2007

Memorial Day

We had a fun Memorial Day. We had kind of an improptu party with our friends Abbie and Shane Melton and their new baby Macie, and my friend Lesley Busby. Lesley lives literally around the corner and walked over to our house! We cooked out and shared a huge watermelon. We were all planning on walking to this park where there was a free concert, but it was pouring rain here in Dallas. So we just hung out and talked babies. Abigail was intrigued by Lesley and hung pretty close to her all night!

Abigail and little Macie (just 3 weeks old)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Cheerio's where?

Our stroller was parked in our entryway from a walk we took earlier in the day. Abigail, who notices anything out of place, went straight to it. She kept trying to motion me over to her and it seemed like she wanted up in the stroller. She saw that her Cheerio's were in it---one of her favorite things! So here's Abigail in her stoller in our house eating Cheerio's. She stayed there forever, and when I would go to get her out she would push away so she stay in there. It just made me laugh! A little personality and very strong opinions already forming. Amazing!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Another Birthday!

We had a wonderful visit from Colby's family from Fayetteville, Arkansas last week. They came down to celebrate Abigail's first birthday, so she had another party. I don't think it helped her grasp the concept any more though! I cooked dinner Friday night for us--it was fun showing our house in it's more completed stage. The last time they were here, Abigail was 2 weeks old, and needless to say, thinks were a little different!

Colby's sister Hannah has two little ones. McKinley, 5, and Grant, 15 months, who is blissfully asleep on his Auntie Em! Babies sure are sweet like that!
We cooked out hot dogs and had another wonderful cake for Abigail. We get a lot of our cakes from this bakery in Dallas which are irresistable! This one had layers of cake with real strawberries stacked on the inside--yummy. I think the cake was more for Mama!

Abigail's new ladybug Bible. She loves it---every day I put it back in the box, and everyday she calls me over to help her take it out, and then drags it around by the red string. Several minutes of entertainment!

Everyone ready for bed. McKinley, Grant and Abigail. We didn't stage it quite right in front of the glass window--whoops:) Abigail had so much fun with her little cousins. She was so intrigued watching McKinley and Grant interact, and McKinley was so sweet to her. She taught Abigial how to "pat" her Bible.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Abigail is one!!

I cannot believe it has been a whole year. This has been the fastest year of my life I think. What a journey!
Abigail turned one while we were in Florida, so she had quite a bash with her relatives there. She had lots of balloons, which is probably her absolute most favorite thing. She can spot them a mile away. We were in a hotel, so we had to improvise a little. We managed to grill some hot dogs with all the fixins, and get a pretty cute little cake for her. She pretty much received a new wardrobe for the summer with matching hats and shoes too. So cute! Lots of bathing suits, and my sister Jamie and Uncle Jake made a DVD with pictures and videos from her first year of life set to music. It was so special, and I'm playing it for Abigail since we've been home, and she seriously watches it.

Little Jack, my sister Ana's newest baby --5 months old now. He and Abigail are the same size. So she'll have two big boys, Jack and his brother Kole, to protect her when they go to college together some day! Jack is such a trooper, he just goes with the flow.
Abgail scrunched up her nose to try to blow out the candles. She was so excited.

She really got into this cake thing. She just kind of picked at it at first, but she ended up picking up this entire piece at one point. She's got the Kulild dental sweet tooth I think!

What a happy little messy girl!

Nana made her Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes the morning of her birthday in the hotel. This little girl was feeling pretty special last week!

Thanks for all of your support and love this first year for our little family and for our sweet baby. She still seems like a baby to me!

Finally, a vacation!

Abigail is pretty attached to her Nana. She's not too interested in me when Nana's around, which of course is fine by me.

Here's Abigail and Aunt "Mamie" ( aka Jamie ) at our pool in Orlando. She kept her little shades on!

After two long years, we finally had a vacation! Our last trip was to California two years ago, then we bought our "fixer upper" house which compromised a lot of our time. Then suddenly, it was baby time! We met my immediate family in Orlando and had a blast. We all stayed in a 3 bedroom place, which actually worked out perfectly. It's a lot of fun getting to stay together, so that when we put the babies to bed we get to hang out. Little Abigail was just sacked out every night from all of the fun she was having.
We had absolutely perfect weather. We had a full week after going to Epcot, Sea World, some botanical gardens, pool time and outlet mall time.

Abigail was not at all afraid of these guys. I think she grabbed every single one of their noses. Chip and Dale held her in their laps, and she was just so intrigued.
My pictures are kind of out of order---I'm learning how to blog as I go along!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I've joined the masses too!!

Well, I used to make fun of these blog things, but I realized all of it's advantages, so I think this will be so much easier to give updates, send pictures, etc. Now, with little Abigail, we are taking a million pictures, and it's tough to keep up with developing and sending them out. Since we're far away from everyone, this helps me feel much more connected, plus, it's just fun. We miss all of you guys down here in Texas!