Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New Years

We headed to Kansas City for New Years. That's always a cold drive! We always go to this place in Crown Center called Fritz's. It's a burger place--but what makes it fun and different is the small train that goes around the perimeter of the restaurant and "drops off" your food. It's so loud and filled with people, but we all love it, especially little conductor Abigail.
Everything else around her stops when she gets some colors. That's little Jack getting his hat on too!
With Aunt JJ at Strouds Chicken. My parents had their rehearsal dinner at this place 35 years ago. It was so much fun. JJ is the funnest Aunt--as you can see the babies are drawn to her. Jack is 6 months younger than Abigail and they're the same size:)

Abigails fun new Minnie chair from Nanny. We thought this chair just looked like Abigail! "Miss Cool" having some milk in her big girl chair! She crosses her legs like this all the time now. She even does it in her sleep:)

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