Thursday, August 2, 2007

Favorite Things

She may be little, but this girl knows what she wants. I seem to hear that a lot from friends with little girls lately. I've taught Abigail some sign language to ease some of the frustration of trying to tell me things that she REALLY wants! I've taught her "more", "down", "all done", and a couple of others. The three that I listed are the ones that she is most motivated to do. She signs "more" with so much feeling it cracks us up. She wants "more" of that really bad Mama! And the "more" sign means more food, more toys, more flags to look at on the side of the road; pretty much anything she's wanting at the time, but it's made things a lot easier at our house. So, here is one thing Abigail likes "more" of---her couch! We know it doesn't really go with the decor, but Abigail loves this couch. She climbs all over it, leans back when it's getting close to rest time, and stacks toys on the seat. Hours of fun right here!
Fresh, from the market, sweet corn on the cob. She actually gets some little kernals off of there. Loves it!
And most of all, making this face!! What to do??!! I haven't learned sign language for "please don't give Mama dirty looks Abigail!!" Hilarious


Julie said...

That expression is too funny! What a little ham!

Mommy of two said...

That last picture is precious! It is true that girls definitely know what they want. We did the sign language too and it really helped out in knowing what Avery was thinking. Right now we are at the stage of "I do it by myself!". Abigail is so cute! Keep the pictures coming. :o)